Although a large organization just on their own, Canadian Tire owns many other national organizations, including SportChek, Mark's and Canadian Tire Financial meaning that when they speak to their extended corporate family about financial, information, human resources issues, or IT and security concerns, they are speaking to tens of thousands of employees.
Canadian Tire Corporate Communications recognized that when they wanted to communicate with about high level issues to that many individuals, they needed to do so with one clear, direct voice and a style that represented Canadian Tire, but with a less formal, more approachable style.
Based on the concept of the "Canadian Tire Village" comprised of the organizations owned by Canadian Tire, I developed this Internal Communications Style to be used for all communications within the organization and within the larger group of organizations.
The Internal Style was used in print and digital communications and was a key asset when we developed a weekly internal video/motion graphics program which was displayed on monitors installed in locations across the country.   
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